After a critique is posted, if its ApprovalRequired variable has the value True, the critique must be sent to the designated approver. The following diagram shows what happens when a LitCrit critique is posted from Microsoft Outlook®:
The diagram showing the critique submission process can be found in the topic Defining the Form's Behavior.
When approval is necessary, the following steps are taken, several of them involving CDO. The code of referenced subroutines can be found in the LitCrit_Agent.asp file.
To send a critique for approval
Set fldrOutbox = CDOSession.Outbox
Set msgTarget = CDOSession.GetMessage( idTargetMessage, Null )
Where idTargetMessage = EventDetails.MessageID and
Null designates the default store
The supporting functions that perform these tasks are called from the subroutine that responds to the Folder_OnMessageCreated event.