An administrator can use the CML Application Settings page to reset the name of the critique folder. The AppSettings.asp page needs to verify that this is a folder that has been published by a Microsoft Exchange Server administrator for use by anonymous users.
Included in AppSettings.asp is the AnonLogon.asp file, which opens an anonymous MAPI session, loads configuration settings from the Microsoft Exchange Server directory, and iterates through the folder shortcuts to find a folder whose name matches the one typed by the administrator. This takes place in the GetPublishedFolderID function.
The following code from AnonLogon.asp, first creates a folder object, using the entryID of the public folder store and the entryID of the folder shortcut published in the Microsoft Exchange Server directory: .
Set objFolder = objAnonSession.GetFolder(amFolders(iFolderCount),storeID)
Compare each folder name found to the one entered by the administrator on the AppSettings.asp page.
If StrComp(objFolder.Name,PublicFolderName,vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
GetPublishedFolderID = amFolders(iFolderCount)
Exit For
End If
If a match is found, the entryID of the folder is returned when the function exits. If no matching folder name can be found, the page reports an error and displays the entire list of folders that have been published for anonymous access.