Merging LitCrit with CML

Before the design of the new critique application (CML/LitCrit) can begin, the IT department reviews the two applications, the Corporate Media Library (CML) and the LitCrit Outlook form, that will be enhanced to become CML/LitCrit. Within the original version of the CML application, the Library Search, Search Results, and Search Details Web pages already let borrowers locate titles in the FmLib database and see detailed information about each title. The plan is to leverage the use of these Web pages and build the newly defined critique features on top of the existing CML capabilities. See Searching the Library in Scenario 1: Fitch & Mather Corporate Media Library Application for details on how to search the library and display details about library titles.

The book club's LitCrit Outlook application already provides the basics: a form with which users can enter critiques and a public folder from which they can read critiques. The developers plan to preserve the look and feel of the original form as much as possible, making behind-the-scenes modifications that let LitCrit work with the library application and let the user ignore features that were not present in the book club's original LitCrit application.

The IT developers plan to create CML/LitCrit from the existing CML Web and LitCrit Outlook applications by: