<%@ Language=VBScript EnableSessionState=true%>
<% Option Explicit %>
' to force authentication for connection to SQL Server
If Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER") = "" Then
Response.Status = "401 Access Denied"
End If
<% Response.Buffer = True %>
Dim oLingo,srcPath,destPath,lingofile,rootPath,pos
'Debug: harcoded lingo file name
lingofile = "lingo.xml"
rootPath = Server.MapPath("..")
srcPath = rootPath & "\global"
destPath = Request.QueryString("langFolder")
If destPath ="" then
'Debug Code: Hard Coded Value
destPath = "en-us"
End If
destPath = rootPath & "\" & destPath
Set oLingo = Server.CreateObject("Litware.Lingo")
call oLingo.Build(srcPath,destPath,lingofile)
Set oLingo = Nothing