Module 1 (Module1.bas)
Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Option Explicit
' === GLOBALS:
Public g_Options As Options
' === Status Bar syntax, which i can never remember...
Public Sub UpdateUser(Message$)
Main.StatusBar1.Panels(1).text = Message
End Sub
' === Center form over MAIN window
Public Sub CenterForm(frm As Form)
Dim width As Long, height As Long
width = Main.width / 2 - frm.width / 2
height = Main.height / 2 - frm.height / 2
frm.Move Max(Max(Main.Left, 0) + width, 0), _
Max(Max(Main.Top, 0) + height, 0)
End Sub
Public Function Max(a As Long, b As Long) As Long
Max = IIf(a > b, a, b)
End Function
' used by "Properties" and "Convert" forms
Public Function SizeVal(ByVal val As String) As String
If val = 0 Then MsgBox ""
If Right(val, 2) = "10" Then
SizeVal = CStr(Left(val, Len(val) - 2) / 16) & "%"
SizeVal = (val - 9) / 16
End If
End Function
Public Function ColorVal(ByVal val As String) As String
ColorVal = "#" & Right(Hex(val), 6)
End Function
Public Function FontSizeVal(ByVal val As String) As String
FontSizeVal = (val - 9) / 20
End Function
Public Function URLVal(ByVal val As String, Optional bCompleteURL As Boolean = False) As String
Dim prefix As String, x As Integer, szURL As String
If Not bCompleteURL Then
' do nothing but return the original value
URLVal = val
Exit Function
End If
' look for "XXXX://" part, ie. http://, file://, etc
x = InStr(val, ":")
If x = 0 Or Mid(val, x + 1, 3) <> "//" Then
' If none found, then we add the current domain prefix to this one.
' Get offset of first '/' after the domain name of our current location.
szURL = g_Options.GetRecentURL(1) ' current base url
x = InStr(8, szURL, "/") ' NOTE: assume "http://" or "file://" prefix
If Left(val, 1) = "/" Then
' value is relative to root of domain ('/path/myfile')
If x > 0 Then
prefix = Left(szURL, x - 1)
prefix = szURL
End If
ElseIf Left(val, 3) = "../" Then
' value is parent of current directory ('../path/myfile')
prefix = Left(szURL, InStrRev(szURL, "/"))
Do While Left(val, 3) = "../"
val = Mid(val, 4)
If InStr(8, prefix, "/") > 0 Then
prefix = Left(prefix, InStrRev(prefix, "/", Len(prefix) - 1))
End If
' value may refer to current directory ('./path/myfile')
If Left(val, 2) = "./" Then val = Mid(val, 3)
' value is descendant of current directory ('path/myfile')
If x > 0 Then
prefix = Left(szURL, InStrRev(szURL, "/"))
prefix = szURL & "/"
End If
End If
' otherwise, add no prefix
prefix = ""
End If
URLVal = prefix & val
End Function
Public Sub ParseError(perror As MSXML.IXMLDOMParseError)
Dim sMsg$
sMsg = perror.URL & " (" & perror.Line & "," & perror.linepos & ")" & vbCrLf & _
MsgBox sMsg, vbCritical, "XML Parse Error " & Hex(perror.errorCode)
End Sub