Options (Class1.cls)
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "Options"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Const MAX_RECENT_URL = 64
Private Const NOT_FOUND = -1
Private m_bCompleteURL As Boolean
Private m_bConvertToXML As Boolean
Private m_bUseAlways As Boolean
Private m_bUseLingo As Boolean
Private m_bStripLingo As Boolean
Private m_bAssignLIDs As Boolean
Private m_sLingoPath As String
Private m_sLingoID As String
Private m_colRecent As New Collection
Private m_colAttrib As New Collection
Private m_colAlways As New Collection
Private m_colLingo As New Collection
Private m_colBuild As New Collection
Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpString As Any, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function WritePrivateProfileSection Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileSectionA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
' Loads the default variables from our private profile (INI file)
Friend Function LoadDefaults()
' Load list of recent URLs from INI
LoadColl "LastURL", m_colRecent, "about:blank"
LoadColl "CustomAttr", m_colAttrib
LoadColl "AlwaysClose", m_colAlways
' The "Close Always" defaults
If m_colAlways.Count = 0 Then
m_colAlways.Add "APPLET"
m_colAlways.Add "DIV"
m_colAlways.Add "IFRAME"
m_colAlways.Add "OBJECT"
m_colAlways.Add "SCRIPT"
m_colAlways.Add "SELECT"
m_colAlways.Add "SPAN"
m_colAlways.Add "TABLE"
m_colAlways.Add "TD"
m_colAlways.Add "TEXTAREA"
m_colAlways.Add "TITLE"
m_colAlways.Add "TR"
End If
LoadColl "LingoAttr", m_colLingo
' The "Lingo-izeable" defaults
If m_colLingo.Count = 0 Then
m_colLingo.Add "ACCESSKEY"
m_colLingo.Add "ALT"
m_colLingo.Add "TITLE"
m_colLingo.Add "VALUE"
End If
' The list of "build projects"
LoadColl "BuildProj", m_colBuild
If m_colBuild.Count = 0 Then
m_colBuild.Add "C|Convert Source|C:\Source|C:\Destination|lingo.xml|True"
End If
' Load boolean options
m_bCompleteURL = LoadBool("CompleteURL", "0")
m_bConvertToXML = LoadBool("ConvertToXML", "1")
m_bUseAlways = LoadBool("UseAlwaysTags", "1")
m_bUseLingo = LoadBool("UseLingoFile", "0")
m_bAssignLIDs = LoadBool("AssignLIDs", "0")
m_bStripLingo = LoadBool("StripLingoText", "0")
m_sLingoPath = LoadString("LingoFilePath")
m_sLingoID = LoadString("LingoIDAttrib", "_locID")
End Function
' Saves the default variables to our private profile (INI file)
Friend Function SaveDefaults()
Dim Result As Long, Count As Long
' Save list of recent URLs to INI
For Count = 0 To m_colRecent.Count - 1
Result = WritePrivateProfileString("LastURL", "LastURL" & Count, CStr(m_colRecent.item(Count + 1)), "HXML.INI")
Debug.Assert Result = 1
' Save list of custom attributes to INI
DeleteSection "CustomAttr"
For Count = 0 To m_colAttrib.Count - 1
Result = WritePrivateProfileString("CustomAttr", "CustomAttr" & Count, CStr(m_colAttrib.item(Count + 1)), "HXML.INI")
Debug.Assert Result = 1
' Save list of custom attributes to INI
DeleteSection "CloseAlways"
For Count = 0 To m_colAlways.Count - 1
Result = WritePrivateProfileString("AlwaysClose", "AlwaysClose" & Count, CStr(m_colAlways.item(Count + 1)), "HXML.INI")
Debug.Assert Result = 1
' Save list of custom attributes to INI
DeleteSection "LingoAttr"
For Count = 0 To m_colLingo.Count - 1
Result = WritePrivateProfileString("LingoAttr", "LingoAttr" & Count, CStr(m_colLingo.item(Count + 1)), "HXML.INI")
Debug.Assert Result = 1
' Save list of custom attributes to INI
DeleteSection "BuildProj"
For Count = 0 To m_colBuild.Count - 1
Result = WritePrivateProfileString("BuildProj", "BuildProj" & Count, CStr(m_colBuild.item(Count + 1)), "HXML.INI")
Debug.Assert Result = 1
' Save boolean options
Result = WritePrivateProfileString("Options", "CompleteURL", CStr(IIf(m_bCompleteURL, "1", "0")), "HXML.INI")
Debug.Assert Result = 1
Result = WritePrivateProfileString("Options", "ConvertToXML", CStr(IIf(m_bConvertToXML, "1", "0")), "HXML.INI")
Debug.Assert Result = 1
Result = WritePrivateProfileString("Options", "UseAlwaysTags", CStr(IIf(m_bUseAlways, "1", "0")), "HXML.INI")
Debug.Assert Result = 1
Result = WritePrivateProfileString("Options", "UseLingoFile", CStr(IIf(m_bUseLingo, "1", "0")), "HXML.INI")
Debug.Assert Result = 1
Result = WritePrivateProfileString("Options", "StripLingoText", CStr(IIf(m_bStripLingo, "1", "0")), "HXML.INI")
Debug.Assert Result = 1
Result = WritePrivateProfileString("Options", "AssignLIDs", CStr(IIf(m_bAssignLIDs, "1", "0")), "HXML.INI")
Debug.Assert Result = 1
' Save string settings
Result = WritePrivateProfileString("Options", "LingoFilePath", m_sLingoPath, "HXML.INI")
Debug.Assert Result = 1
Result = WritePrivateProfileString("Options", "LingoIDAttrib", m_sLingoID, "HXML.INI")
Debug.Assert Result = 1
End Function
Private Function LoadBool(ByVal Key As String, Optional ByVal Default As String = "1") As Boolean
Dim szBool As String, Length As Long
' Load boolean options
szBool = String$(6, Chr(0))
Length = GetPrivateProfileString("Options", Key, Default, szBool, 5, "HXML.INI")
LoadBool = IIf(Left(szBool, 1) = "1", True, False)
' Also accept "true" as valid
If Not LoadBool Then LoadBool = IIf(LCase(szBool) = "true", True, False)
End Function
Private Sub LoadColl(ByVal Key As String, ByRef coll As Collection, Optional ByVal Default As String)
Dim szVal As String, Length As Long
' Load collection
szVal = String$(256, Chr(0))
Length = GetPrivateProfileString(Key, Key & "0", Default, szVal, 255, "HXML.INI")
Do While Length > 0
szVal = Left(szVal, Length)
coll.Add szVal
szVal = String$(256, Chr(0))
Length = GetPrivateProfileString(Key, Key & coll.Count, Chr(0), szVal, 255, "HXML.INI")
End Sub
Private Function LoadString(ByVal Key As String, Optional ByVal Default As String)
Dim szStr As String, Length As Long
szStr = String$(256, Chr(0))
Length = GetPrivateProfileString("Options", Key, Default, szStr, 255, "HXML.INI")
szStr = Left$(szStr, Length)
LoadString = szStr
End Function
Private Sub DeleteSection(ByVal Key As String)
Dim Result As Long, NullList As String
NullList = Chr(0) & Chr(0)
Result = WritePrivateProfileSection(Key, NullList, "HXML.INI")
Debug.Assert Result <> 0
End Sub
Friend Property Get CompleteURL() As Boolean
CompleteURL = m_bCompleteURL
End Property
Friend Property Let CompleteURL(ByVal RHS As Boolean)
m_bCompleteURL = RHS
End Property
Friend Property Let ConvertToXML(ByVal RHS As Boolean)
m_bConvertToXML = RHS
End Property
Friend Property Get ConvertToXML() As Boolean
ConvertToXML = m_bConvertToXML
End Property
Friend Property Let UseAlwaysTags(ByVal RHS As Boolean)
m_bUseAlways = RHS
End Property
Friend Property Get UseAlwaysTags() As Boolean
UseAlwaysTags = m_bUseAlways
End Property
Friend Property Let UseLingoFile(ByVal RHS As Boolean)
m_bUseLingo = RHS
End Property
Friend Property Get UseLingoFile() As Boolean
UseLingoFile = m_bUseLingo
End Property
Friend Property Let StripLingoText(ByVal RHS As Boolean)
m_bStripLingo = RHS
End Property
Friend Property Get StripLingoText() As Boolean
StripLingoText = m_bStripLingo
End Property
Friend Property Let AssignLIDs(ByVal RHS As Boolean)
m_bAssignLIDs = RHS
End Property
Friend Property Get AssignLIDs() As Boolean
AssignLIDs = m_bAssignLIDs
End Property
Friend Property Let LingoFilePath(ByVal RHS As String)
m_sLingoPath = RHS
End Property
Friend Property Get LingoFilePath() As String
LingoFilePath = m_sLingoPath
End Property
Friend Property Let LingoIDAttrib(ByVal RHS As String)
m_sLingoID = RHS
End Property
Friend Property Get LingoIDAttrib() As String
LingoIDAttrib = m_sLingoID
End Property
' === MRU List for URLs
Friend Sub AddRecentURL(URL As String)
Dim idx As Integer
idx = FindExactURL(URL)
If idx > NOT_FOUND Then
' Only move if entry is not already the MRU
If idx > 0 Then
' Move existing entry to top of the list
m_colRecent.Add URL, , 1
m_colRecent.Remove idx + 1
End If
' Add entry, drop last entry (MAX_RECENT_URL)
If m_colRecent.Count > 0 Then
m_colRecent.Add URL, , 1
m_colRecent.Add URL
End If
If MAX_RECENT_URL <= m_colRecent.Count Then
m_colRecent.Remove MAX_RECENT_URL
End If
End If
End Sub
Friend Function GetRecentURL(ByVal Index As Long) As String
Debug.Assert Index > 0
GetRecentURL = m_colRecent.item(Index)
End Function
Friend Property Get RecentURLCount() As Long
RecentURLCount = m_colRecent.Count
End Property
Friend Sub RemoveRecentURLs()
Set m_colRecent = Nothing
Set m_colRecent = New Collection
End Sub
Private Function FindNextURL(szURL) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To m_colRecent.Count
If Left(m_colRecent.item(i), Len(szURL)) = szURL Then
FindNextURL = i
Exit For
End If
End Function
Private Function FindExactURL(szURL) As Integer
Dim i As Integer, szMatch
szMatch = LCase(szURL)
For i = 1 To m_colRecent.Count
If LCase(m_colRecent.item(i)) = szMatch Then
FindExactURL = i
Exit For
End If
End Function
' === List of Custom Attributes
Friend Sub AddCustomAttribute(attrib As String)
m_colAttrib.Add attrib
End Sub
Friend Function GetCustomAttribute(ByVal Index As Long) As String
Debug.Assert Index >= 0
If Index = 0 Then
GetCustomAttribute = m_sLingoID
GetCustomAttribute = m_colAttrib.item(Index)
End If
End Function
Friend Property Get CustomAttributeCount() As Long
CustomAttributeCount = m_colAttrib.Count
End Property
Friend Sub RemoveCustomAttributes()
Set m_colAttrib = Nothing
Set m_colAttrib = New Collection
End Sub
' === List of "Always Close" tags
Friend Sub AddAlwaysCloseTag(attrib As String)
m_colAlways.Add attrib
End Sub
Friend Function GetAlwaysCloseTag(ByVal Index As Long) As String
Debug.Assert Index > 0
GetAlwaysCloseTag = m_colAlways.item(Index)
End Function
Friend Property Get AlwaysCloseTagCount() As Long
AlwaysCloseTagCount = m_colAlways.Count
End Property
Friend Sub RemoveAlwaysCloseTags()
Set m_colAlways = Nothing
Set m_colAlways = New Collection
End Sub
Friend Function IsAlwaysTag(tagName As String)
Dim tag As Variant, tagMatch As String
tagMatch = LCase(tagName)
For Each tag In m_colAlways
If tagMatch = LCase(CStr(tag)) Then
IsAlwaysTag = True
Exit Function
End If
IsAlwaysTag = False
End Function
' === List of "Lingo-izeable" attributes and tags
Friend Sub AddLingoTag(attrib As String)
m_colLingo.Add attrib
End Sub
Friend Function GetLingoTag(ByVal Index As Long) As String
Debug.Assert Index > 0
GetLingoTag = m_colLingo.item(Index)
End Function
Friend Property Get LingoTagCount() As Long
LingoTagCount = m_colLingo.Count
End Property
Friend Sub RemoveLingoTags()
Set m_colLingo = Nothing
Set m_colLingo = New Collection
End Sub
Friend Function IsLingoTag(tagName As String)
Dim tag As Variant, tagMatch As String
tagMatch = LCase(tagName)
For Each tag In m_colLingo
If tagMatch = LCase(CStr(tag)) Then
IsLingoTag = True
Exit Function
End If
IsLingoTag = False
End Function
' === List of Build Projects
Friend Sub AddProject(item As BuildListItem)
Dim projInfo As String
projInfo = IIf(item.ProjectType = prjBuild, "B", "C") & "|" & _
item.name & "|" & item.SourceDir & "|" & _
item.DestinationDir & "|" & item.LingoFile & "|" & _
m_colBuild.Add projInfo
End Sub
Friend Function GetProject(ByVal Index As Long) As BuildListItem
Debug.Assert Index > 0
Dim item As New BuildListItem
Dim projInfo() As String
projInfo = Split(m_colBuild.item(Index), "|")
Debug.Assert UBound(projInfo) = 5
item.ProjectType = IIf(projInfo(0) = "C", prjConvert, prjBuild)
item.name = projInfo(1)
item.SourceDir = projInfo(2)
item.DestinationDir = projInfo(3)
item.LingoFile = projInfo(4)
item.Enabled = CBool(projInfo(5))
Set GetProject = item
End Function
Friend Property Get ProjectCount() As Long
ProjectCount = m_colBuild.Count
End Property
Friend Sub RemoveProjects()
Set m_colBuild = Nothing
Set m_colBuild = New Collection
End Sub