BDG Scenario 3


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<title LID="tit16">Welcome!</title>

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   <td valign="top"><img border="0" LID="logo1" src="../images/ptlogo.gif" alt="Organization Logo" width="62" height="62"></td>
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      <table BORDER="0">
         <td><label LID="lbl94">Welcome to the administrative interface of the 
             Performance Tracking application. Before you can enter scores you need to
             create users and groups in the database. Click one of the following 
             links to jump directly to that data entry screen. Once inside the application, 
             you can use the Forms menu to move between entry screens.</label></td></tr>
         <li><a LID="a95" href="gate.asp?fileName=person">User Information</a>
         <li><a LID="a96" href="gate.asp?fileName=group">Group Information</a>
         <li><a LID="a97" href="gate.asp?fileName=location">Location Information</a>
         <li><a LID="a98" href="gate.asp?fileName=activity">Group Activities</a>
         <li><a LID="a99" href="gate.asp?fileName=activityType">Activity Types</a>