BDG Scenario 3


<%@ Language=VBScript Transaction=Required%>
<% Option Explicit %>
<% ' to force authentication for connection to SQL Server
   If Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER") = "" Then
      Response.Status = "401 Access Denied"
   End If
<% Response.Buffer = True %>
<SCRIPT language="vbScript">
   ' NOTE: This script will change the display value of DEBUG
   ' text that may appear in the IFRAME window.  It does not
   ' affect the charset or codepage of the data that is POSTed
   ' to the SQL Server.
   Dim item,NodeValue 
   For Each item in parent.document.all.tags("META")
      If UCase(item.httpEquiv)="CONTENT-TYPE" Then
         NodeValue = item.content
         NodeValue = Mid(NodeValue,InstrRev(NodeValue,"=")+1)
         document.defaultCharset = NodeValue
      End If
<% Dim objPostIt
   On Error Resume Next
   Set objPostIt = Server.CreateObject("Litware.SQLXML")
   objPostIt.PostActions Request,Response,Application("Eval_ConnectionString")
   Set objPostIt = Nothing