Design Decisions

Like the applications in previous BackOffice® Developer's Guide installments—the Corporate Media Library and CML/LitCrit—the Performance Tracking (PT) application is built on the Microsoft® Windows® DNA platform. This architecture is described in Overview of Windows DNA.

The PT application stores and displays information about individuals' performance in a corporate training center. It can be extended to work in other arenas, such as schools. The application stores performance-related records in a Microsoft SQL Server™ database. It provides access to these records through a set of Web pages that users can view in Microsoft Internet Explorer; the Web pages are hosted onInternet Information Services (IIS). Custom COM objects perform the business logic.

Tracking the certifications of a fictional company's employees introduces localization into the business problem. As enterprises span borders, their employees must be able to share data despite differences in language and data formatting conventions.

The PT application evolved considerably during the design process. When the development team undertook the project, their goal was stated quite simply:

To build a Windows DNA application that uses XML to implement localized user interfaces in response to the locale settings of a user's Web browser.

During the design process, the development team decided to divide the application into two parts: the PT Admin application for administrators with access to all the data, and the PT User application for users with various degrees of access to the data. Scenario 3 of the BDG focuses on the PT Admin application, describing its design and implementation in detail. Much of the design for the PT User application is also described in this scenario, because the two applications share the same database and business-services tier. The PT User application will be implemented in Scenario 4.

The following topics describe the PT Admin application's design: