Stored Procedures for Table-Type Web Pages

The table-type Web pages display multiple records from several tables within the context of a group. The PT application has four table-type Web pages: Group Performance Summary, Individual Performance Record, Group Performance Record, and Activity Planner. Presenting PT Application Screens describes these pages in detail and includes illustrations of these pages. Displaying data on table-type Web pages requires more complex stored procedures with multiple SELECT statements, cursors, and table joins. Stored Procedures for the PT Application describes the stored procedures the PT application implements. The row data comes from one table, but the column data can come from multiple tables. The cells of the table show the information that is applicable to one row and one column. The following table lists the name of the Web page, the Eval database tables that contribute information to the page, and the input parameters.

Web page Eval table Input parameter
Group Performance Summary Group, PersonGroup, Person, PersonActivity, Activity, Grade GroupId
Individual Performance Record Group, PersonGroup, Person, PersonActivity, Activity, Grade GroupId


Group Performance Record Group, PersonGroup, Person, PersonActivity, Activity, Grade GroupId


Activity Planner Group, Activity GroupId