Creating Relationships Between Eval Tables

After the database designers define the entities and translate them into database tables, they add linking tables to resolve the many-to-many relationships, and add primary and foreign keys to the tables. Now the designers can create foreign key relationships between tables. The following table shows the relationships the designers create.

From (column and table on the one side of the relationship) To (column and table on the many side of the relationship)
ActivityTypeId (ActivityType table) ActivityTypeId (Activity table)
GradeId (Grade table) GradeId (PersonActivity table)
GradeScaleId (GradeScale table) GradeScaleId (Grade table)
GradeScaleId (GradeScale table) GradeScaleId (Group table)
GradeScaleId (GradeScale table) GradeScaleId (Activity table)
GradeScaleId (GradeScale table) GradeScaleId (ActivityType table)
GroupId (Group table) GroupId (PersonGroup table)
GroupId (Group table) GroupId (Activity table)
LocationId (Location table) LocationId (Group table)
LocationId (Location table) LocationId (Activity table)
PersonId (Person table) PersonId (Logon table) *
PersonId (Person table) PersonId (PersonGroup table)
PersonId (Person table) PersonId (PersonActivity table)

*This is a one-to-one relationship.

The Eval Database Diagram

You can create foreign key relationships in SQL Server 7.0 in two ways:

The following diagram shows the Eval database after the foreign key relationships are built.