
The three languages for which the PT application is localized, German, Japanese, and U.S. English, use different formats for dates. Dates are converted when the application reads date information from the SQL Server database and displays it on the PT application's Web pages and when it writes date information to the database. The following table lists date formats for PT application locales.

German Japanese U.S. English

When the D, M, or Y is repeated the leading zero is displayed.

Note  The PT application is localized for standard German and uses the date format of that locale. All German dialects use the same date format, but you should not assume that languages with a common origin always use the same date format. For example, Australia and the United States are both English-speaking countries, but they use different date formats.

Note  Date separators in the short date style vary by locale; Japan and the United States use a slash (/) and Germany uses a period (.). Also note that the leading zero is suppressed for single-digit months in the U.S. English date format. The three locales the PT application supports use a two-digit year, but many locales use a four-digit year in their short date styles.