Shared Localization Requirements
Every PT application Web page is localized. The following elements and requirements are common to all screens:
- Labels for text boxes and list boxes contain localized text. The application displays text correctly—text is not truncated and it wraps appropriately.
- Text in the menu titles and menu options is translated. The titles on the menu bar are repositioned to accommodate text strings of varying lengths.
- The order of the menu options reflects the frequency with which the designers expect users to choose them. The order of the options is not changed during localization.
- ToolTip text and message text is localized.
- The tab order of the elements on each page is logical. When the sequence of the elements changes for different locales, the default field and the tab order also change.
- Access keys are localized. When the text in menu titles, menu options, and command buttons changes, the access keys change to reflect the translated text. The Japanese version uses the English letter as the mnemonic, a capital letter, in parentheses. For example, when the English access key is O on a control labeled Open, the Japanese version of the label text is the translation for Open (in Japanese script) followed by (O).
All PT application Web pages, except the User page, contain localized data. Date, time, and numeric information is converted by the NLS component of the business-services tier when a user requests or submits information. About the Formats Component and Converting a Recordset to XML describe how the national language support (NLS) component works.