PT Application Labels

The label text for list boxes, text boxes, and check boxes in the PT application is localized and the label text is stored in the localized lingo.xml files (one for German, one for Japanese, and one for U.S. English). Merging XML Files to Create Localized HTML Files describes how text strings for labels are associated with locales. Web pages that have check boxes use separate cells instead of the label attribute of the check box. Word wrapping often occurs when text is localized, and this technique ensures that the text wraps within the cell and does not flow underneath the check box. To learn more about controlling text display, see the following topics:

Note  After you decide on the languages your application will support, you can predict the length of the localized label text. This allows you to size labels at design time to ensure the labels appear on one line. You should avoid multiline labels in your user interface if possible.