
The German and Japanese locales use a 24-hour format for time and the United States uses a 12-hour format with an A.M. or P.M. qualifier. The application's SQL Server database (the Eval database) uses a 24-hour format and stores time in Greenwich mean time (GMT), or universal time. For the application to display time correctly for each locale, the NLS component must convert time data to the user's time zone before the data appears on the application's Web pages. Although both Japan and Germany use military time, their time formats differ; the German format displays leading zeros in hours and the Japanese format does not. The following table lists the time formats for PT application locales.

German Japanese U.S. English
HH:mm:ss* H:mm:ss* h:mm:ss tt

*System defaults for time formats.

The following list is an explanation of the time format symbols:

Repeating symbols (hh, mm, and ss) means the leading zero appears. Nonrepeating symbols (h, m, and s) means the leading zero is suppressed.

Note  When the application converts time data to or from universal time, the date may also move forward or backward one day.