Activity Form View

Users add and delete activities and modify information about existing activities using the Activity form view. Clicking an activity entry in the left pane displays information about the activity in the right pane. When an activity appears in the right pane, the user can delete or modify it. The following topics provide additional information about the Activity form view:

Accessing the Activity Form

Users can access the Activity form in the following ways:

Elements on the Activity Form

The layout and functionality of the logo frame, menu frame, and left pane are similar in all of the PT Admin application's form views. The following topics describe these elements:

The right pane for each form view varies. The following table lists the data entry fields and accompanying labels in the right pane of the Activity form. Label text is localized for German, Japanese, and U.S. English.

Label text Control Entry required Default value Data validation Access key Tab order
Activity Name: Text box Yes Blank Maximum length of entry is 128 characters N 1
Comments: Text box No Blank None (ntext data type) O 2
Location: Drop-down list box Yes First entry in the list* N/A L 3
Activity Type: Drop-down list box Yes First entry in the list* N/A T 4
Group: Drop-down list box Yes First entry in the list* N/A G 5
Grade Scale: Drop-down list box Yes First entry in the list * N/A S 6
Weight: Text box No Blank Maximum value is 255 W 7
Max. Score: Text box No Blank Maximum value is 32,767 X 8
Due Date: Text box No Blank Must be a valid date format D 9
Standard Deviation: Label Read-only Blank N/A N/A N/A
Average Score: Label Read-only Blank N/A N/A N/A

*The list is sorted by the Name column in the ActivityType, Group, GradeScale, and Location tables in the Eval database.

In addition, the right pane contains a label that identifies groups of controls. This label is not associated with data entry elements on the form. The label text is "Activity Information."