The Group, Location, and User form views offer search functionality. To perform a search, the user enters a search string, which can contain wildcards (*) and the NEAR, OR, and AND predicates, in the text box at the bottom of the left pane and clicks the image to the right of the text box. Entries from the Eval tables matching the user's search criteria appear in a list in the left pane. The Class List and Location List are sorted by name in ascending order. The Person List is sorted by last name in ascending order. When no matches are found, the localized phrase "No records found." appears in the list. The following table lists the types of searches the PT application offers.
Form view | Search title | Search action | Table name | Full-text indexing |
Group | Group Search | Click search image. | Group | Name, Description |
Location | Location Search | Click search image. | Location | Name, Street, City |
User | Person Search | Click search image. | Person | FirstName, LastName |