Localizing the Menu

The localized strings for PT Admin application menus are stored in a single XML file that menu.xsl processes. The localized strings are not included in lingo.xml, which is combined with the globalized XML template files in the Lingo component. When the PT User application is implemented, it will have three menu files for each application screen, which correspond to the user roles of evaluator, individual, and auditor.

The *menu.xml files (emenu.xml for evaluators, imenu.xml for individuals, and amenu.xml for auditors) reside in the menu subdirectory for each locale the application supports in an arena. The menu.xsl file, which processes each *menu.xml file into HTML, resides in the application's top-level Menu directory, at the same level as the Global, Scripts, Source, and locale directories.

Creating a new locale for a PT application arena includes the task of writing a set of *menu.xml files along with a new lingo.xml file. The rest of the files involved in the process of dynamically building the menus do not require modification.