Coding Form Views
This section describes how the LitWare developers coded the logo frame, left pane, and right pane that appear on form views in the Performance Tracking (PT) application. A menu frame, which is called MENUBAR, also appears on each form. Implementing the Menu Bar describes how the menu frame works and how the developers created it. The following main topics describe the coding techniques the developers used to create the logo frame, left pane, and right pane of the PT application's form views:
- ASP in the PT Application describes the role Active Server Pages (ASP) plays in this application. This topic also includes a discussion of the ASP files gate.asp, viewData.asp, and postIt.asp.
- Retrieving Data describes how the developers coded HTML files, JavaScript files, and functions that call viewData.asp, and how they implemented data binding using XML Data Source Objects (DSOs).
- Writing Data explains how the PT application implements data validation and uses events to call postIt.asp.
- Implementing a Trusted Connection in global.asa describes the Microsoft® SQL Server™ connection string that implements a trusted connection between a Microsoft Windows NT® or Windows® 2000 group and the Eval database.