The addition of IFrames to the RIGHTPANE frames (supported by the *.htm files) provides better performance because the form is not reloaded every time a user clicks Change to add or change a record or Delete to delete a record. The following code fragment shows the IFRAME element that creates an inline floating frame, which functions as a document within a document. This fragment is from Group.htm, but all *.htm files contain identical code.
<iframe NAME="postIt" ID="postIt" FRAMEBORDER="1" NORESIZE SCROLLING="none" style="DISPLAY: none"></iframe>
All *.htm files include a FORM element that sets the IFrame ("postIt") as the target for the result of a submit action. This code fragment is from Group.htm (name = "frmGroup"), but similar code exists in all *.htm files.
<form name="frmGroup" action="../Scripts/postIt.asp" method="post" target="postIt" onSubmit="return update()" onReset="refresh()">
Note IFrames change how browser navigation works within the PT application. Without an IFrame, the page reloads every time the user submits data, and multiple entries for the page can exist in the History object. When the user clicks the browser's Back button to load a previous URL from the history list, a previous version of the same form view may load instead of a different form view that the user previously visited.