Stored Procedures for the PT Application

Stored procedures, which run from the PostActions method in the SQLXML component, perform all table actions (insert, update, and delete) on tables in the Eval database. In addition, the Performance Tracking (PT) application uses stored procedures to query the database. The following topics describe how the application implements stored procedures:

The following table lists the procedure names and JavaScript files that assign stored procedure names to hidden fields on forms, and describes the tasks the procedures perform. The stored procedures are grouped according to the type of action they perform: add, change, delete, or select. Click the procedure name to access the SQL script for the procedure; click the script name to access the JavaScript for the procedure; click the table name to access the SQL Server™ table definition.

Procedure name JavaScript file name Description
Lw_addActivityType Activity.js Inserts a record into the Activity table.
Lw_addActivityType ActivityType.js Inserts a record into the ActivityType table.
Lw_addGroup Group.js Inserts a record into the Group table.
Lw_addLocation Location.js Inserts a record into the Location table.
Lw_addPerson Person.js Inserts a record into the Person table.
Lw_addPersonGroup PersonGroup.js Inserts a record into the PersonGroup table.
Lw_changeActivity Activity.js Updates a record in the Activity table.
Lw_changeActivityType ActivityType.js Updates a record in the ActivityType table.
Lw_changeGroup. Group.js Updates a record in the Group table.
Lw_changeLocation Location.js Updates a record to the Location table.
Lw_changePerson Person.js Updates a record in the Person table.
Lw_deleteActivity Activity.js Deletes a record from the Activity table.
Lw_deleteActivityType ActivityType.js Deletes a record from the ActivityType table.
Lw_deleteGroup Group.js Deletes a record from the Group table.
Lw_deleteLocation Location.js Deletes a record from the Location table.
Lw_deletePerson Person.js Deletes a record from the Person table.
Lw_deletePersonGroup PersonGroup.js Deletes a record from the PersonGroup table.
Lw_getActivityList Activity.js Selects all activities for one group.
Lw_getActivityTypes ActivityTypeList.js Selects all activity types for one group.
Lw_getClassList PersonList.js Selects all persons for one group.

The following stored procedures are coded for implementation in the PT User application and are not implemented by the PT Admin application in Scenario 3: