Functions in LoadList.js

The following table lists the functions in the LoadList.js file, the functions they call and are called by, and a brief description of the task each function performs.

Function name Functions called Description
CopyRows formatCell (hosting *list.htm)
selectFirst (LoadList.js)
testForScroll (LoadList.js)
Copies the data from the virtual table (SourceTable) to the TargetTable.
DataAvailable doLoad (LoadList.js) Delays the call to doLoad to allow the XML data stream to load completely.
DeletePlaceholder Shrinks the scrolling placeholder for each row inserted in the TargetTable.
DoLoad insertPlaceholder (LoadList.js)
getMoreData (LoadList.js)
Captures the total number of records in the recordset. Associates the testForScroll and readyStateChange functions with scrolling and data events.
GetMoreData copyRows (LoadList.js) Determines whether there are available entries in the SourceTable; if not, moves to the next set of 20 table rows.
InColor Event handler for the onMouseOver event of a row in TargetTable.
InsertPlaceholder Calculates the height (in pixels) for firstspacer, a DIV in *list.htm.
NoOp Satisfies the XML DSO requirement of non-null event handlers.
OutColor Event handler for the onMouseOut event of a row in TargetTable.
ReadyStateChange copyRows (LoadList.js)
testForScroll (LoadList.js)
Event handler for the onreadystatechange event of the SourceTable; called when the readystate of the table changes.
ReloadList resetRows (LoadList.js) Reloads the list that appears in the left pane of form views. This function is called from updateView in *.js when a user adds, changes, or deletes a record.
ResetRows insertPlaceholder (LoadList.js) Cancels any current XML data download and removes all rows from the TargetTable.
SelectColor selectCell (*List.js) Sets the color for odd and even rows and calls selectCell in *List.js of the calling form.
SelectFirst selectCell (*List.js) Makes the first entry that appears in the list match the current record in the right pane.
TestForScroll getMoreData (LoadList.js) Event handler for the onScroll event of scrollContainer, a DIV in *List.htm.