SQLXML Methods

The SQLXML COM component (SQLXML.cls) contains 11 methods. Only ViewRecords and PostActions are public methods. ViewRecords is the entry point for data retrieval and PostActions is the entry point for updates to database tables. The following table lists the methods of the SQLXML component and describes the tasks they perform.

Methods for retrieving data Tasks
ViewRecords Creates a recordset by executing a stored procedure or by opening a recordset.
AppendParams Uses the refresh method on the Parameters collection of a Command object to retrieve parameter information for a stored procedure.
ReportError Creates an XML data stream that contains error information and returns the XML to the browser.
EmitDtd Dynamically creates a Document Type Definition (DTD) for the XML data stream.
Convert Calls the Formats component in NLS.dll to convert locale-sensitive data. Converts data in each field of the recordset to XML format.
FormatLocaleCurrency This is a method in the Formats component of NLS.dll. Converting a Recordset to XML shows the call from the Convert method to FormatLocaleCurrency.
FormatLocaleDateTime This is a method in the Formats component of NLS.dll. Converting a Recordset to XML shows the call from the Convert method to FormatLocaleDateTime.
FormatLocaleNumber This is a method in the Formats component of NLS.dll. Converting a Recordset to XML shows the call from the Convert method to FormatLocaleNumber.
GetIDField Loops though the fields in a record to locate the name of the primary key for that recordset.
Methods for writing data Tasks
PostActions Loops through stored procedure names and identifies the table actions (ADD, CHANGE, or DELETE).

Calls execForm.

ExecForm Retrieves the parameter metadata for a stored procedure, creates the name-value pairs the procedure requires, and executes the procedure.
ReportErrors Identifies the type of error.
WriteError Creates a string containing client-side JavaScript (the string includes the error message) and returns the script to the browser.
UpdateView Creates client-side JavaScript that calls the updateView function in the *.js file for the calling form.