Evaluators design the curriculum, create activities, evaluate performance, and enter scores. Administrators assign evaluators to groups; an evaluator can belong to any number of groups and a group can have multiple evaluators. Although the PT Admin application does not implement the Evaluator role, the functions of that role must be defined so that the Eval database design will support it for the PT User application. Evaluators can access only information that is associated with the groups to which they are assigned.
Read-only information is static data such as a person's name and address, and is supplementary to data for which evaluators have read/write permission. Evaluators can view this information but they are not responsible for maintaining it; maintenance is the responsibility of the administrator. Read-only information can be:
Evaluators are responsible for maintaining read/write information. Administrators can also modify activity and activity type information, but the evaluators for a group are the only persons who can modify assessment (score) information. Evaluators can add, change, and delete the following information: