Behave well with hidden files

Behave well with hidden files



As Windows moves forward, more files and folders will be hidden, to reduce complexity for the user. Your application will need to be aware that some of its files, or system files and folders, may be hidden.

By hiding system-type files, the disk “clutter” that users see can be reduced. Most users don’t need to see DLLs and the page file, so why complicate matters by showing them? You need to make sure that your program is aware that some files are hidden, and can handle hidden files without problems. The easiest way to do this is to always use common file dialogs. The operating system will then handle the display of hidden files according to user preferences and system policy.

Code Sample

The code sample below, adds sub-folders in a given folder to some (undefined) UI element such as a treeview. First we call one of our functions that checks the registry to see if the “Show All Files” option is selected and store the returned TRUE/FALSE value in a local variable. We then loop using FindFirstFile and FindNextFile, checking to see if the file we find is a directory. If it is a directory we then check to see if it has the hidden attribute and if show Hidden Files is FALSE. If this evaluates to TRUE we do nothing, as we don’t want to add the folder. Otherwise, we add the folder to the UI.

#define HIDDEN_SETTINGS_KEY  _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced")

HRESULT FindFolders(LPTSTR tszRoot)
   HRESULT          hr = S_OK;
   HANDLE           hFindFile = NULL;
   TCHAR            tszNewRoot[MAX_PATH];	
   BOOL             fMoreFiles = FALSE;
   BOOL             fAddHidden = FALSE;
   WIN32_FIND_DATA  fdFindFileData;

   // Call our function to read show hidden options
   // from the registry
   fAddHidden = ShowHidden();

   if ((NULL == tszRoot) || (_tclen(tszRoot) > MAX_PATH))
       hr = E_INVALIDARG;
       goto _end;

   _tcscpy(tszNewRoot, tszRoot);
   PathAppend(tszNewRoot, _T("*.*"));

   //Start search	
   hFindFile = FindFirstFile(tszNewRoot, &fdFindFileData);

   // Nope, nothing there
   if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFindFile)
      hr = E_FAIL;
      goto _end;
      fMoreFiles = TRUE;

   // Find any other folders
   while (fMoreFiles)
      //see if we're a folder
      if(fdFindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
         // Check to see if this is a hidden folder. And if we are showing hidden folders
         // NOTE: we don't deal with hiding system files
         if ((fdFindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) && (FALSE == fAddHidden))
            // Do nothing, because we're not showing hidden folders
            // Add item to treeview etc.


      fMoreFiles = FindNextFile(hFindFile, &fdFindFileData);

   return hr;


// Returns TRUE if the shell Show All Files option is set in the registry

BOOL ShowHidden()
   HKEY   hKey = NULL;
   LONG   lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS;
   DWORD  dwShowHidden = NULL;
   DWORD  dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);

   // We don't need full read access, only the right
   // to read key values. So, we use KEY_QUERY_VALUE

   lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 

   // We can't read the settings, assume a default of don't show hidden
   if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult)
      return FALSE;	

   // Read the settings, if we fail dwShowHidden is 0 and we return FALSE 
                   (LPBYTE) &dwShowHidden,


   //Check to see if show all files is set
   if (dwShowHidden != 0x00000000)
      return TRUE;
      return FALSE;


See Also

Common Dialog Box Library, GetFileAttributes