Performance Monitor Chart Views

Microsoft Exchange Server provides several Microsoft Windows NT Performance Monitor chart views with pre-selected counters that you can use to troubleshoot performance problems. You usually have to use more than one chart view at a time to isolate a performance problem. The following chart views are available in the Microsoft Exchange program group.
Performance Monitor chart Description
Microsoft Exchange Server Health Tracks the server's memory use in pages per second and also the amount of processor time used for each server core component.
Microsoft Exchange Server Load Tracks the amount of load on the server from client requests and replication operations.
Microsoft Exchange Server History Tracks statistics such as the number of messages the server processes and the pages per second that have been generated since the server was started.
Microsoft Exchange Server Users Tracks the number of users who are accessing the server's information store.
Microsoft Exchange Server Queues Tracks the amount of time the server requires to respond to client requests. Also tracks the speed of replication operations.
Microsoft Exchange Server IMC Traffic Tracks the amount of traffic that the server's Internet Mail Service processes.
Microsoft Exchange Server IMC Statistics Tracks the number of inbound and outbound messages that the server's Internet Mail Service processes.
Microsoft Exchange Server IMC Queues Tracks the number of inbound and outbound messages that the server's Internet Mail Service sends to the Internet or to Microsoft Exchange Server.

Note   If you haven't done so already, start the disk performance counters by typing diskperf -y at the command prompt. Then, add the LogicalDisk: Disk Bytes/sec and LogicalDisk: % Disk Time counters to the Microsoft Exchange Server Health chart view. These counters indicate the amount of data that is transferred to or from the disk during write or read operations. For more information about adding counters to charts, see your Microsoft Windows NT Server documentation.