New Client Installation

Most Microsoft Exchange Client files are stored in several compressed cabinet (.cab) files until they are installed. When Setup is run, the cabinet files are uncompressed and the files are copied to the client's disk or a network server. Knowing where the Microsoft Exchange Client files are stored when they are installed can be useful information if you need to troubleshoot a problem. For example, if the Microsoft Exchange Client will not start and it is running from a network server, the server containing the Microsoft Exchange Client files might be down. The location of the files depends on the following:

Microsoft Exchange Client installs configuration files, application files, and Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) files. Configuration files (including .ini files, spelling DLLs that Microsoft Exchange Client and other applications share, and information about forms) are copied to and run from the Windows directory or the user's home directory on the local disk or another location on a network server where user files are stored. The following table shows where application files and MAPI files are copied to or run from depending on the Microsoft Exchange Client computer's configuration.
Application Files MAPI System Files
Copies to Exchange directory Runs from network share Copied to local Windows System directory Runs from Windows System directory on operating system network share
Local operating system
and client
Local operating system
and shared client
Shared operating system
and local client
Shared operating system
and client