Configuring Default Messaging Profiles

Microsoft Exchange Server provides a tool called the automatic profile generator (Newprof.exe) that can be used as an alternative to the Profile Wizard. If you use Newprof.exe, users do not need to create their own profiles using the Profile Wizard after Microsoft Exchange Client has been installed. It creates a default messaging profile with settings that you have specified. This process is transparent to the user.

Newprof.exe can be run during Setup or from the command line. It uses a .prf file to determine the settings for the new profile. If there is no default profile in the user's home directory and a .prf file is present, Newprof.exe creates a profile based on the information that you specified in the .prf file.

You can run Newprof.exe with a .prf file from the command line with a variety of distribution mechanisms such as SMS, logon scripts, and e-mail. If you use it with logon scripts, Newprof.exe can be used to create default profiles for roving users when they log on to a new computer. Roving users are users who log on to Microsoft Exchange Client from different computers in an organization.