Windows Version 3.x and Windows for Workgroups

To support roving users who are using computers running Microsoft Windows 3.x and Microsoft Windows for Workgroups, Microsoft Exchange Clients should be running from a network share. During Setup, Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) profiles are stored in the user's home directory or another location on a network file server.

You can assign logon scripts to users and make it easier for them to use the Microsoft Exchange Client on other computers in your organization. Logon scripts can connect users to their home directory when they log on to Microsoft Windows and Windows for Workgroups. After a user is connected to the home directory and the Microsoft Exchange Client is started, the user's default profile is used.

When Microsoft Exchange Client is installed locally, it supports roving users. However, roving users must edit the Win.ini file.

    To edit the Win.ini file

  1. Open the Win.ini file using a text editor.
  2. Add the following line to the [MAPI] section.
    ProfileDirectory16=<path to messaging profile>

    where path to messaging profile is the location of the user's messaging profile on the network.

  3. Restart the computer.

    To use the profile generator with Windows 3.x or Windows for Workgroups computers

  1. Copy Profgen.exe to the Exchange directory.
  2. Copy Profgen.ini to the Windows directory.
  3. In the Profgen.ini file, edit the PathToExeFile and PathToPRFFile to point to the automatic profile generator (Newprof.exe) and .prf files respectively. Normally, these entries should be as follows.

    where h:\ is the user's home directory on the server.

  4. Edit the Load= line in the Win.ini file as follows.
  5. In the Win.ini file, ensure the following line is present in the [MAPI] section.

    where home_directory is the user's home directory on the server.