Windows NT Workstation and Windows 95

To support roving users who are using computers running Windows NT Workstation or Microsoft Windows 95, you must store a user's MAPI profiles on the domain controller in a user's home domain. Storing the profiles in the user's home domain allows users to access their profiles from any computer in your organization. If roving users intend to use computers in other domains, you must permit the roving users to log on to multiple domains, and those domains must trust the user's home domain.

In addition, for Windows NT Workstation, ensure your roving users have user rights on the Windows NT Workstation computers they intend to use in your organization. If your roving users do not have user rights, they will be unable to log on.

To set up a roving user for Windows NT Workstation and Windows 95, you must do the following:

    To create a user profile for a Windows NT or Windows 95 roving user

Before creating the profile, log on to your domain's primary domain controller and the Microsoft Windows NT Server computer as domain administrator. Ensure the Domain box displays the domain you want the account for the roving user to belong to.

  1. In the Administrative Tools program group, choose User Profile Editor.
  2. From the File menu, choose New.
  3. In the dialog box that opens, choose the button next to the Permitted to use profile box.
  4. In the Names box, select the user account that should have permission to use this profile. If the user is not in this list, type the user name in the Add Name box, and then choose Add.
  5. Choose OK.
  6. From the File menu, choose Save As File.
  7. In the Save File As Type box, choose Per-User Profile.
  8. In the Directories box, choose the path for the profile.

    You should store the profile in a shared user directory for security reasons. The profile also can be stored in a shared public directory.

  9. In the File Name box, type a profile name, choose OK, and then close the User Profile Editor dialog box.

Before Windows NT roving users use Microsoft Exchange Server for the first time, you must verify that their copy of Microsoft Exchange Server points to the network directory where the user profile is located. If it does not, change the working directory.

    To change the working directory for the Microsoft Exchange Client on Windows NT

  1. In the Microsoft Exchange program group of the Microsoft Exchange Client computer, choose Microsoft Exchange.
  2. From the File menu, choose Properties.
  3. In the Working Directory box, type the path of the directory where the roving user's profile is located.

    To specify the path to a Windows NT or Windows 95 roving user's profile

  1. In the Administrative Tools program group, choose User Manager for Domains.
  2. Double-click the appropriate user account to open the New User dialog box.
  3. Choose Profile.
  4. The User Environment Profile dialog box is displayed. In the User Profile Path box, type the path to the profile (.usr) file you created earlier.
  5. In the Home Directory box, select the Connect To option, and type the drive letter and path to the home server where the roving user's profile is located.

Before Windows 95 roving users use Microsoft Exchange Server for the first time, you must enable multiple users to customize preferences and desktop settings.

Note   Windows 95 profiles can be stored on any type of server, including a Novell NetWare server.

    To permit a Windows NT or Windows 95 roving user to log on to a different domain

  1. In the Administrative Tools program group, choose User Manager for Domains.
  2. From the Policies menu, choose User Rights.
  3. In the Right box, select Log on locally.
  4. Select the Show Advanced User Rights box, and then choose Add.
  5. In the List Names From box in the Add Users and Groups dialog box, select the domain to which you want to add the roving user account.
  6. In the Names box, select the user account for the roving user, choose Add, and then choose OK.
  7. In the User Rights Policy dialog box, choose OK, and then close the User Manager for Domains dialog box.

    To enable multiple users of a Microsoft Exchange Client computer to personalize their settings on Windows 95

  1. In the Microsoft Exchange Client computer Control Panel, double-click Passwords.
  2. Select the User Profiles tab.
  3. Select Users can customize their preferences and desktop settings.

    To use the profile generator with Windows NT Workstation

The automatic profile generator (Newprof.exe) must be located in the Exchange directory. The profile generator (Profgen.exe) can be located on the local computer or the server.

    To use the profile generator with Windows 95

  1. Copy Profgen.exe to the Exchange directory.
  2. Copy Profgen.ini to the Windows directory.
  3. In the Profgen.ini file, edit the PathToExeFile and PathToPRFFile entries to point to the automatic profile generator (Newprof.exe) and .prf files, respectively. Normally, these entries should be as follows.

    where h:\ is the user's home directory on the server.

  4. In the Win.ini file, edit the Load= line as follows.