Using the Profgen.ini File

The settings in the Profgen.ini file can be in the [NEWPROF] or [PROFGEN] sections. The following example is an entry in the [NEWPROF] section.

; Provide the path to the NEWPROF.EXE executable    
; e.g. c:\exchange\newprof.exe

The following table describes the settings used in the Profgen.ini file.
Section and setting Description
PathToExeFile= The path to the Newprof.exe file. For example, PathToExeFile=c:\exchange\win95\newprof.exe.
PathToPRFFile= The path to the .prf file used to create the profile. For example, c:\exchange\default.prf.

If this entry is blank, the program looks for the file Default.prf in the Windows directory. If a file is specified, but does not exist, the program quits and no profile is created.

DisplayUI= Set to 1 if you want the profile generator user interface to be displayed. This setting is translated into the -S command-line option for Newprof.exe.
AutoExecute= Set to 1 to run Newprof.exe with the -X command-line option.
Logging= Set to 1 to create a log file called Profgen.log in C:.
UpdateMailboxName= Set to 0 to replace the value of the MailboxName= entry in the .prf file with the current Windows NT logon ID.

The MailboxName= entry in the .prf file must contain a value.