Configuring a RAS Server for ShivaRemote Clients

A Microsoft Exchange Client user running ShivaRemote can connect directly to a server running Shiva LanRover or Windows NT Remote Access Service (RAS). If a Windows 3.x or Windows for Workgroups user is using ShivaRemote to connect to a Windows NT RAS server computer, Microsoft Exchange Client must be configured as follows:

    To configure a Windows NT RAS Server computer to accept encrypted authentication for Microsoft Exchange Clients using ShivaRemote

  1. Ensure RAS is installed on the Microsoft Exchange Server computer.

  2. In Control Panel, double-click Networks.

  3. In the Installed Network Software box, select Remote Access Service, and then choose Configure.

  4. In the Remote Access Setup dialog box, choose Network.

  5. In the Network Configuration dialog box, select Require Encrypted Authentication, and then choose OK.

  6. Close all open dialog boxes.

  7. Restart Windows NT Server.