Integrating Schedule+ Applications

In addition to the MAPI interfaces, Schedule+, a key component available with Microsoft Exchange Client, includes an OLE Automation interface known as OLE Scheduling. Developers using Visual Basic and Visual Basic for Applications can readily integrate Schedule+ into their applications.

For example, you can use the telephony application programming interface (TAPI) and Schedule+ to create an application that sends Schedule+ meeting reminders, including a text message, to a user's pager. Or, using Microsoft Project, tasks can be scheduled in both Microsoft Project and Schedule+.

Tight integration between Microsoft Office for Windows 95 and Schedule+ enables you to quickly build applications that integrate that suite of applications by using Visual Basic for Applications through the OLE Scheduling interface. For example, you can create an application that enables new contact information entered into Schedule+ by a company's sales staff to be copied to Microsoft Excel for reporting and analysis, and reports to be generated in Microsoft Word based on information in Schedule+.

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