Moving Messages to Another Encryption Type

If users move to a location within your organization that uses a different type of encryption, they can transfer their encrypted messages from one type of encryption to another using the Bulk Advanced Security tool (Sectool.exe). For example, a user transferring from an office in the United States to Britain can use Sectool.exe to convert encrypted mail from CAST 64 to CAST 40.

Following this procedure when using Sectool.exe.

  1. Use Sectool.exe to decrypt your messages.
  2. Copy the messages to a personal folder (.pst) file.
  3. From your client computer, copy your .pst file to your local disk and add it to your messaging profile.
  4. Use Sectool.exe to encrypt the messages again in the .pst file with the new encryption type.
  5. (Optional) Copy the messages from the .pst file to your mailbox on the server.

For more information about using the tool, see the online Help for Microsoft Exchange Server Resource Kit Tools (Exchtool.hlp) that is included on the Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit, Second Edition compact disc.