Microsoft Exchange Server Directory Schema

To write ADSI applications that access the Microsoft Exchange Server directory, you need an understanding of the Microsoft Exchange Server directory schema. The schema defines the available object classes in the directory, relationships between the object classes, attributes of each object class, and specific characteristics of attributes and classes.

You can use the Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator program to view the Microsoft Exchange Server directory schema, and to view individual attributes and object classes.

    To view the Microsoft Exchange Server directory schema

  1. Start the Administrator program in raw mode by using the /raw (or /r) switch. If the Administrator program is installed in the default location, you can start it by choosing Run from the Windows NT Start menu and using the following command:

    c:\exchsrvr\bin\admin.exe /r

  2. From the View menu of the Administrator program, select Raw Directory.
  3. In the hierarchy (left) pane, click the Schema object (the Schema object is child of a Site object). The schema's objects are displayed in the right pane.
  4. (Optional) To see information about an object's class and the values of its attributes, open the object's property sheet. To do this, double-click the object in the right pane, or click the object in the right pane, and then choose Properties (or Raw Properties) from the File menu.