Mail-Recipient (person) Object Class

The Mail-Recipient object class is exposed through LDAP as the "person" object class. This class is inherited by all object classes to which mail can be sent, such as mailbox, custom-recipient, distribution-list, and public-folder.

This object class is abstract, defined only so that other object classes in the directory can inherit its attributes. You cannot create an instance of this object class; rather, you can create instances of the classes that inherit from it. Mail-Recipient (person) Attributes

The following table describes many of the commonly used attributes present on the person object class.

Microsoft Exchange name




rdn Common-Name Y 2 1 String
Common name (RDN of this object)
cn Display-Name N 2 1 String
String displayed by the address book
language Language-ISO639 N 3 2 String
ISO639 language
LabeledURI LabeledURI N 5 2 String
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) specifying default HTML Web page
Voice-Mail-Recorded-Name Voice-Mail-Recorded-Name N 13 2 String
Voice mail user's spoken name
Voice-Mail-Password Voice-Mail-Password N 13 2 String
DTMF digits representing user account security code
Voice-Mail-Greetings Voice-Mail-Greetings N 13 2 String
Voice mail user's recorded greeting(s)
Voice-Mail-User-ID Voice-Mail-User-ID N 13 2 String
DTMF digits representing a user account (for example, a phone extension)
MAPI-Recipient MAPI-Recipient N 18 1 Boolean Indicates to a gateway whether it is a messaging application programming interface (MAPI) recipient (True=yes, False=no)
mail, rfc822­Mailbox,
OtherMailbox, textEncoded­ORAddress
Proxy-Addresses N 18 1 String
List of foreign mail system addresses for this recipient; exposed as follows: Primary SMTP address: mail (rfc822Mailbox)
Primary X.400 address: textEncodedORAddress;
Other addresses: otherMailbox
name Display-Name-Printable N 18 1 String
Printable string version of the Display-Name
uid Mail-nickname N 18 1 String
Mail Nickname
info Comment N 18 2 String
This recipient's comment in the Microsoft Exchange Server Address Book
url WWW-Home-Page N 18 2 String
WWW home page associated with this entry
userCertificate X509-Cert N 18 2 String
X.509 v3 certificate(s) of the user
Extension-Attribute-9 Extension-Attribute-9 N 20 1 String
General extension attribute for customer use
Extension-Attribute-1 Extension-Attribute-1 N 20 1 String
General extension attribute for customer use
Extension-Attribute-10 Extension-Attribute-10 N 20 1 String
General extension attribute for customer use
Extension-Attribute-2 Extension-Attribute-2 N 20 1 String
General extension attribute for customer use
Extension-Attribute-3 Extension-Attribute-3 N 20 1 String
General extension attribute for customer use
Extension-Attribute-4 Extension-Attribute-4 N 20 1 String
General extension attribute for customer use
Extension-Attribute-5 Extension-Attribute-5 N 20 1 String
General extension attribute for customer use
Extension-Attribute-6 Extension-Attribute-6 N 20 1 String
General extension attribute for customer use
Extension-Attribute-7 Extension-Attribute-7 N 20 1 String
General extension attribute for customer use
Extension-Attribute-8 Extension-Attribute-8 N 20 1 String
General extension attribute for customer use
Extension-Attribute-15 Extension-Attribute-15 N 21 1 String
General extension attribute for customer use
Extension-Attribute-11 Extension-Attribute-11 N 21 1 String
General extension attribute for customer use
Extension-Attribute-12 Extension-Attribute-12 N 21 1 String
General extension attribute for customer use
Extension-Attribute-14 Extension-Attribute-14 N 21 1 String
General extension attribute for customer use
Extension-Attribute-13 Extension-Attribute-13 N 21 1 String
General extension attribute for customer use