This sample contains sections of code that do the following:
This code modifies the Phone number property of a mailbox. By default, all users have access to modify this property on their own mailbox. This following code will cause the browser to display a user identification dialog. The IIS server's password authentication must be set to Allow Anonymous and Basic (Clear Text) only. This way, the browser will be able to use the correct security context when using the GetObject method.
Dim strAT ' Authorization Type information
strAT = Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_TYPE")
If InStr(1, "_BasicNTLM", strAT, 1) < 2 Then
Response.Buffer = True
Response.Status = ("401 Unauthorized")
End If
Dim strMailboxPath ' ADsPath to the user's mailbox
Dim strServer ' name of the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 server
Dim intPosPrefix ' numeric index used used to build ADsPath to
' schema object
Dim intPosSuffix ' numeric index used used to build ADsPath to
' schema object
Dim strPrefix ' prefix string used to build ADsPath to
' schema object
Dim strSuffix ' suffix string used to build ADsPath to
' schema object
Dim strPathToSchemaObject ' ADsPath to the schema object
Dim objMailbox ' mailbox object
Dim strNewPoneNumber ' value of the new phone number
Function isUserEditable(strSchemaObjectPath)
Dim objSchemaObject ' schema object
Dim intValue ' value of the 'Access-Category' property
Set objSchemaObject = GetObject(strSchemaObjectPath)
intValue = objSchemaObject.Get("Access-Category")
If intValue = 2 Then ' user may modify the mailbox property
isUserEditable = True
Else ' the value was 0, 1, or 3
isUserEditable = False
End If
End Function
The following procedure modifies the property of an object that contains a string value. To set a property to the empty string, you must remove it from the object:
Sub ModifyProperty(strNewValue, strADsProperty)
On Error Resume Next
If Len(strNewValue) <> 0 Then
objMailbox.Put strADsProperty, CStr(strNewValue)
Else ' The new value is empty
objIADs.Get (strADsProperty)
If the property doesn't exist on the object, an error will be generated:
If Err.Number = 0 Then
' the property exists on the object and must be removed
objMailbox.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, strADsProperty, CStr("
End If
End If
End Sub
used by the PutEx method to clear a property from an object
strMailboxPath =
strServer = "sparker1"
strNewPoneNumber = "(425) 882-8080 x 13882"
intPosPrefix = InStr(strMailboxPath, "/cn")
intPosSuffix = InStr(strMailboxPath, "ou")
strPrefix = Mid(strMailboxPath, 1, intPosPrefix - 1) + "/cn="
strSuffix = ",cn=Microsoft DMD," + Mid(strMailboxPath,
intPosSuffix, Len(strMailboxPath))
strPathToSchemaObject = strPrefix + "Telephone-Office1" + strSuffix
If isUserEditable(strPathToSchemaObject) Then
Set objMailbox = GetObject(strMailboxPath)
ModifyProperty strNewPhoneNumber, "telephoneNumber"
objMailbox.SetInfo ' save the object information
Response.Write "Phone number modified successfully : <BR>"
Response.Write "You don't have permissions to modify your phone
..'number : <BR>"
End If