Watching for Trends in the Load

The counters described in the table that follows do not provide a complete picture of the load on your Microsoft Exchange Server computer, but they do indicate trends over time if you track them.
Object Counter Description
MSExchangeIS User Count The number of connected client sessions.
Active User Count The number of users who have been active in the last 10 minutes.
MSExchangeIS Private Messages Submitted/min The rate of messages being submitted to the private information store.
Message Recipients Delivered/min The rate of messages being delivered by the private information store. This will be higher than the submission rate because many messages have multiple recipients.
MSExchangeIS Public Messages Submitted/min The rate of messages being submitted to the public information store.
Message Recipients Delivered/min The rate of messages being delivered by the public information store. This will be higher than the submission rate because many messages have multiple recipients.
Messages/sec The rate at which the MTA is processing messages.
Messages Bytes/sec The number of bytes in the messages being processed by the MTA. Divide this by the Messages/sec counter, and you can determine the average message size.