Disk Counters

There are two sets of disk counters: LogicalDisk and PhysicalDisk. LogicalDisk is the most useful counter because it simplifies tracking drive usage. You must enable the disk counters. By default, they are turned off because they have a small impact on performance.

   To enable Performance Monitor disk counters

The following are the important disk counters for Microsoft Exchange Server.
Object Counter
LogicalDisk Disk Bytes Written/sec
Disk Bytes Read/sec
Disk Reads/sec
Disk Writes/sec
Avg. Disk Queue Length
% Disk Time (general indicator only; not a reliable indicator of disk saturation).

Compare the disk operations per second that are recorded with the specifications for sustained operations provided by your vendor. If your disk operations per second are getting close to the vendor's specifications, you are nearing capacity. Note that the % Disk Time counter is not a fair indication of disk saturation. A disk that is busy 100 percent of the time might actually be capable of doing much more work as a result of using smart disk controllers and scheduling methods, such as elevator algorithms.

Summary of Recommendations

If the disk subsystem is your bottleneck, consider taking the following actions: