Remote Console Installation

You install remote SMS Administrator consoles from the Systems Management Server version 2.0 compact disc. (For convenience, you can create a shared CD-ROM drive and install remote consoles from the network.)

Procedure Bullet  To install a remote SMS Administrator console

  1. From the SMS 2.0 compact disc, running either locally on the installation computer or from a network share, run Autorun.exe. In the Setup page, click Set Up SMS 2.0.

    – or –

    Run setup as follows, where <platform> is either Alpha or i386:

  2. CD_drive_letter:\Smssetup\Bin\<platform>\setup.exe
  3. The Welcome page opens. Click Next, and then click Next again to skip the System Configuration page.
  4. In the Setup Options page, click Install the SMS Administrator console and related tools and then click Next.
  5. In the SMS Site Server Information page, type the name of the site server to which this console will attach. Then, click Next.

    Note   You should always create consoles attached to the highest possible site in your SMS site hierarchy. For most administrative purposes, this will be the central site in your site hierarchy. For obvious reasons, you should always create administrative consoles that connect high enough in the site hierarchy to include the clients you manage. If a given remote console does not attach to a site server high enough in your site hierarchy, create another console that does.

  6. In the SMS Administrator Console Installation Options page, select the tools you want to install with the remote SMS Administrator console and then click Next. For information about a particular tool, see the SMS 2.0 Administrator’s Guide.

    Tip   If you do not select a particular tool when you first install the remote console, you can rerun SMS Setup from the SMS 2.0 compact disc. In the SMS Administrator Console Installation Options page, you can click Modify or reset the current installation and select any tool not already installed.

  7. In the Completing the Systems Management Server Setup Wizard page, you can change your installation options by clicking Back and then clicking Next until you return to this page. If you are satisfied with your choices, click Finish.

The SMS 2.0 Setup Wizard completes the installation. The Microsoft Management Console (Mmc.exe) and the SMS Administrator console snap-in file (Sms.msc) are installed.

Tip   If your Sms.msc file becomes corrupted or otherwise fails to be installed, you can restore your original SMS configuration file by running <drive>:\<SMS_Directory>\Bin\<platform>\<language_code>\Origmsc.cmd where <drive> is the local hard drive of the computer where you installed the SMS Administrator console, <SMS_Directory> is \Sms on the site server and \Smsadmin on a remote console computer, <platform> is either i386 or Alpha, and <language_code> is the appropriate language identifier. Running this file restores the original SMS console files as they were created during your initial SMS Administrator console installation.