Upgrading Preserved SMS 1.2 Custom MIF Files

When you upgrade your installation from SMS 1.2 to SMS 2.0, the data that was gathered by your custom IDMIF and NOIDMIF files and stored in the SMS 1.2 site database is upgraded to the SMS 2.0 site database. The IDMIF and NOIDMIF files that created this data are kept if they exist on client computers, but are discarded if they exist on the server. SMS 2.0 uses the same system of IDMIFs and NOIDMIFs to customize SMS 2.0 installations, with some changes. You can preserve your IDMIFs and NOIDMIFs from SMS 1.2 for use with SMS 2.0.

SMS uses Management Information Format (MIF) syntax for both IDMIF and NOIDMIF files. As a result, these files require very little conversion to work in SMS 2.0.

Because SMS 2.0 hardware inventory includes much more functionality than SMS 1.2 hardware inventory, you need to become familiar with the SMS 2.0 hardware inventory feature and compare your custom MIF files with the information collected so that you do not have duplicate data.