Preserving SMS 1.2 Custom MIF Files

When you upgrade systems from SMS 1.2 to SMS 2.0, the data stored in the SMS 1.2 database as a result of IDMIF and NOIDMIF files is upgraded to the site database for SMS 2.0. IDMIF and NOIDMIF files on client computers are kept when you update, but the IDMIF and NOIDMIF files on the site server as a result of SMS 1.2 installation are erased, unless you archive them in a different directory. Because the format of custom MIF files is almost identical in SMS1.2 and SMS 2.0, you can preserve your custom MIF files for use with SMS 2.0.

Important   If you want to preserve custom MIF files that exist on an SMS 1.2 site server that is being upgraded, make sure to store them outside the SMS installation tree. The entire tree is replaced during an upgrade.

Procedure Bullet  To preserve SMS 1.2 custom MIF files on site servers for use with SMS 2.0

  1. Select a location in which to store your custom MIF files. Use a floppy disk or create a directory that is not part of the SMS installation tree. For example, create a directory called C:\SMSFILES.
  2. Navigate to the %SMS%\Logon.srv\ directory in your SMS 1.2 installation.
  3. Copy the custom MIF files to the new directory or floppy disk. For example, from the command line, type: copy *.mif c:\SMSfiles.

The entire %SMS% directory structure is replaced during the upgrade, so if you do not preserve the custom MIF files, you must re-create them later.