Using PDFs

After you create the PDF, you can use the Distribute Software Wizard or the Create Package from Definition Wizard to distribute software with the PDF. The Distribute Software Wizard combines the tasks required to distribute software into a single interface. The Create Package from Definition Wizard creates the package and is most useful when you want to delay the advertisement of the software, or when you require advertisement options not included in the Distribute Software Wizard.

You can import PDFs into the wizard. To do this, copy the PDFs into the %Windir%\MS\SMS\Scripts\<LanguageDirectory>\PDFstore directory, and then run the wizard to initiate the report.

If you want to make changes in an existing PDF, replace the PDF in the PDFstore directory with a new copy. The values in the new file will be used to update the values in the existing PDF if the following properties remain constant:

This section includes information about using the Distribute Software Wizard and using the Create Package from Definition Wizard with PDFs.