When used in conjunction with Network Discovery, Windows NT Remote Client Installation installs SMS client software on Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 computers that have been discovered and that have DDRs stored in the SMS site database.
First, perform Network Discovery using the Topology, Client, and Client Operating System discovery type. After the discovery is completed, the active client computers within the specified discovery area will have DDRs in the site database, assuming your configuration of Network Discovery enabled their creation.
Second, set your site boundaries (select Properties under site code - site name) and then enable Windows NT Remote Client Installation by navigating to Client Installation Methods in the SMS Administrator console.
Systems Management Server
Site Database (site code - site name)
Site Hierarchy
site code - site name
Site Settings
Client Installation Methods
Double click on Windows NT Remote Client Installation in the details pane. When the Windows NT Remote Client Installation Properties dialog box appears, click the check box next to Enable Windows NT Remote Client Installation. Then, select the system types on which you want SMS client software installed. SMS will then install client software on each specified Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 client within the specified site boundaries. When it is enabled, Windows NT Remote Client Installation will automatically occur each time the SMS site database receives either a new DDR or a group of DDRs.