Server-Side Component Installation

The Remote Tools server components are installed during SMS 2.0 installation (both the full installation and the SMS Administrator console installation). The server-side files all reside in the SMS\Bin\i386 (or \Alpha) directory. These files are as follows:

Although you can run Remote.exe from the command line (as long as the previously mentioned DLL files are present), unauthorized users cannot use it to gain access to a remote client. Remote Tools requires Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and access to the SMS site database in order to preserve Microsoft Management Console (MMC) – based security. Even if you run Remote Tools in its most basic form (by using Remote.exe), the user-specified address of the client computer is compared to the SMS site database to confirm that a valid database resource ID exists for the client.

Although this requirement might be viewed as a drawback that prevents Remote Tools from being used as a stand-alone component, it preserves the MMC-based security model. Under this security model, no unauthorized users or user groups can gain access to a remote client computer.