Confirming Successful Remote Control Installation

To confirm that the client received and installed the Remote Control components, verify the existence of an installation log file called:


This file lists the actions taken during the installation (or removal) of the Remote Control components, including registry-key creation or removal and security reconciliation. Because this installation log file is created when the Remote Control installation is complete, the existence of the Install.log file indicates that the client-side installation is complete.

You can also view the following standard Remote Control log file on the client:


This log file is a more detailed file that records nearly every action the client-side remote control system carries out, and it is essential for identifying any Remote Control functions after installation has occurred and the Remote Control component is running. It is also essential for identifying munger actions. It does not provide the internal workings of any active Remote Control session.

Among the many detailed items the log file records are:

The existence of Install.log and the completion message at the bottom of Remctrl.log indicate that Remote Control has been installed successfully.