The client-side Remote Tools registry architecture is somewhat complex because it uses many different variables and settings to determine the correct level of security and the types of remote actions that are permitted on the client computer.
As the SMS administrator, you establish the default settings for all client computers. Generally speaking, these administrator settings are used to control the functions of the client-side Remote Control Agent, unless you permit users to change their client settings and one or more users choose to do so. In this case, the user settings will control the client-side Remote Control Agent.
This scenario becomes more complicated when a client computer belongs to more than one SMS site. In such a case, conflicting default site settings need to be reconciled before they can be compared with local user settings. When a client is a member of multiple sites, the settings for all sites are reconciled to provide the highest level of security required by any one site. The resulting settings are placed in the Combined Sites registry key.
On client computers, the Remote Control icon (SMSrc.cpl) in Control Panel enables users to change the values in the User Settings registry key. If the administrator permits users to change these values, and they do so, the new user-defined values will override the administrator settings in the base Remote Control registry key. The client-side Remote Control Agent acts on the settings in this key.
If you have disallowed clients from changing their settings (that is, if Allow Client Change = 0) or if you have allowed changes, but users do not change any settings (that is, if Allow Client Change = 1 and Use Local Settings = 0), the central Remote Control key will be populated with values directly from the Combined Sites key.
If you have allowed clients to change their settings and users do change their settings from the default values (that is, if Allow Client Change = 1 and Use Local Settings = 1), the central Remote Control key will be populated with values directly from the User Settings key.