Windows 3.1x — the SMSrc16.ini file

There is no registry on Win16 clients, so SMS uses an initialization file to store Remote Tools properties. This file, SMSrc16.ini, is created during installation of the Remote Tools component using initial values found in the SMScfg.ini file.

SMSrc16.ini contains a simplified version of the information stored in SMScfg.ini. It contains only two sections, one for the settings specified by the site administrator [Client Components — Remote Control] and one for user-based settings [Client Components — Remote Control — User Settings].

After the initial installation of the Remote Tools component to the Win16 client, the SMSrc16.ini file can be updated by the Security Munger each time it runs. The Remote Control Agent will respect either the administrator-specified settings or the local user-specified settings, depending on the values of Allow Client Change and Use Local Settings.

If you have disallowed clients from changing their settings (that is, if Allow Client Change = 0) or if you have allowed changes, but users do not change any settings (that is, if Allow Client Change = 1 and Use Local Settings = 0), the central Remote Control key will be populated with values directly from the [Client Components — Remote Control] section of SMSrc16.ini.

If you have allowed clients to change their settings and users do change their settings from the default values (that is, if Allow Client Change = 1 and Use Local Settings = 1), the central Remote Control key will be populated with values directly from the [Client Components — Remote Control — User Settings] section of SMSrc16.ini.

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