As mentioned earlier, NOIDMIF files are custom MIF files that the Hardware Inventory Client Agent processes on the client to extend the hardware inventory classes of that client. Often, these files are part of a third-party application, but an administrator can also prepare these files. The administrator or the application moves these files to a target directory on the client:
On the client, Hinv32 processes NOIDMIF files during the hardware inventory cycle, and then adds information to the inventory file that is forwarded to the primary site server.
If the classes do not already exist on the primary site server, Inventory Data Loader creates the new classes on the existing architectures. After that, inventory for that client will include the new classes by processing the NOIDMIF file each time inventory is run. For example, if a NOIDMIF file creates a class called Asset Number, that custom MIF file causes Inventory Data Loader to create that class. Each time inventory is run, the Hardware Inventory Client Agent processes the NOIDMIF file again and replaces any values that have changed. If the NOIDMIF file is removed from the target directory, all the classes and attributes will be deleted by the next hardware inventory.
NOIDMIF files are always associated with a single client. You always place NOIDMIF files in the Noidmifs directory on the client.
To customize a single client by using a NOIDMIF file
copy test.mif c:Windows\MS\SMS\Noidmifs
The next time hardware inventory runs, the NOIDMIF file will be included in the process and the new attributes and classes will be added to the SMS site database.