Creating an IDMIF File for a Stand-alone Computer

As a rule, instances of the System architecture represent networked computers. However, in some cases, you might want to track computers that are not networked. To track stand-alone computers, make them instances of a custom architecture. Note that you must use a custom architecture to describe stand-alone computers, because the hardware inventory process disallows any IDMIF file that changes the System architecture.

For example, you might want to maintain records in the SMS site database for a stand-alone computer so that it can be included when you use the SMS site database to create queries or manage assets. To do so, create an IDMIF file for the computer and place that file in the Idmifs directory on any client:


The IDMIF file need not collect all of the attributes you are collecting with hardware inventory — it can consist of any set of attributes you want.

Following is a sample custom MIF file that you can use to add a stand-alone computer as a custom architecture to the SMS site database. After you create a custom MIF file, you can create queries for and collections of your stand-alone systems.

//AgentID<Admin John>//Architecture<Standalone System>//UniqueID<GUID:BBB85C40-F65A-11D1-8FAC-00AA0038c067>   Start ComponentName = "System Test RAID Machine"    Start Group        Name = "Standalone System"        ID = 1        Class = "Standalone System"        Key = 1              Pragma = "SMS:Add"        Start Attribute            Name = "System Name"            ID = 1            Type = String(30)            Value = "STANDALONE 1"        End Attribute    End Group
    Start Group        Name = "Screen Saver"        ID = 2        Class = "Screen Saver"        Start Attribute            Name = "Size"            ID = 1            Type = Integer            Value = 17        End Attribute        Start Attribute            Name = "Make"            ID = 2            Type = String(20)            Value = "Fellowers"        End Attribute    End GroupStart Group       Name = "Computer Box"       ID = 3       Class = "Computer Box"        Start Attribute            Name = "Type"            ID = 2            Type = String(15)            Value = "Mini Tower"        End Attribute        Start Attribute            Name = "Color"            ID = 4            Type = String(15)            Value = "Gray"        End Attribute    End GroupEnd Component